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NUX MG-300 Effects and Amp Modeling

NUX MG-300 Effects and Amp Modeling

Regular price $149.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $149.00 USD
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TSAC-HD Pre-Effects and Amp Modeling algorithm providing optimum sound response and playability.
Dollar-for-dollar, the best multi-efx on the market. Our dream was to develop a compact and versatile multi-efx pedal at the right price. We understand that both beginners and working musicians are looking for compact size and great sound at an affordable price. This was a big challenge, and we're proud to say we did it!
CORE-IMAGE Post-Effects sound library offering you 
studio sound quality.
User-friendly interface and interactive: Quick Tone™ Edit Software
IR (Impulse Response), 
USB audio stream (recording interface with re-amp function), 
and more !

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